Only of the 140 members of the Virginia legislature refused to support the resolution, as this article explains:
Not only did Delegate Clarke Hogan refuse to support a resolution celebrating the life of a Virginia hero, he profanely attacked the resolution's sponsor who was simply asking for his support. Delegate Hogan should have to explain to his constituents and to all Virginians why he could not bring himself to put his name on a resolution honoring a man who fought for our country and died saving his son's life.
The people of Virginia deserve better leadership than Hogan demonstrates here.
The resolution is patroned by 99 members of the House of Delegates and all 40 members of the Virginia Senate, with only legislator — Hogan — missing from the list.
Hogan was asked to sign on, said Marshall, who said he approached his GOP colleague while the two men and a handful of other delegates were milling around in the House lounge during a break in the floor action. After waiting for Hogan to finish a cell phone call, Marshall said he went up to him to ask his support.
“I wanted him to sign [the memorial resolution] honoring one of my constituents and he declined to and made it very emphatic he wasn’t having any part of it,” said Marshall on Friday.
“I said ‘Clarke, this is not for me, this is for a man who died saving his son’s life.’ More vituperation,” said Marshall. Marshall said he pleaded with Hogan not to let personal differences get in the way of their legislative duties, and there was “more smoke coming out of his ears.
“And then when I said, ‘I’ll pray for you,’ that’s when he said, “You’re a piece of [expletive].
Not only did Delegate Clarke Hogan refuse to support a resolution celebrating the life of a Virginia hero, he profanely attacked the resolution's sponsor who was simply asking for his support. Delegate Hogan should have to explain to his constituents and to all Virginians why he could not bring himself to put his name on a resolution honoring a man who fought for our country and died saving his son's life.
The people of Virginia deserve better leadership than Hogan demonstrates here.
Please call Delegate Hogan at (804) 698-1060 and sign this petition to encourage Clarke Hogan to apologize to the Vander Woude family for his callous refusal to honor their father and husband and to apologize to the people of Virginia for his despicable conduct.